Word clouds (tag clouds) are used to provide an overview of text in image form, in which the size of each word indicates its importance or frequency.
In this article, we are going to see how to create beautiful word clouds in Python. Word clouds can be used to provide an overview of the data or to simply create an artwork.
In this article we are going to see how to create a word cloud, how to use image mask and how to color text.
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POS tagging is the process of tagging words in a text with their appropriate Parts of Speech. Meanwhile
parts of speech defines the class of words based on how the word functions in a sentence/text. Parts of speech are also known as word classes or lexical categories. Common parts of speech in english are Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Pronoun and Conjunction.
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Are you interested in Deep Learning but own an AMD GPU? Well good news for you, because Vertex AI has released an amazing tool called PlaidML, which allows to run deep learning frameworks on many different platforms including AMD GPUs. Basically it provides an interface to Tensorflow GPU processing through Keras API and quite frankly it’s probably the easiest method availabe.
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Spelling correction is the process of correcting word’s spelling for example “lisr” instead of “list”. Word Lengthening is also a type of spelling mistake in which characters within a word are repeated wrongly for example “awwwwsome” instead of “awesome”.
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Stemming and lemmatization are essential for many text mining tasks such as information retrieval,
text summarization, topic extraction as well as translation.
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